Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Could you "Rench, Blew & Starch" like great grandma?

(I found this in an old recipe book my grandmother gave me.) RENCH BLEW %26amp; STARCH

by Ruth Slinker Ferguson

1. Bild fire in backyard to het kittle of rain water.

2. Set tubs so smoke won't blow in eyes if peart.

3. Shave hole cake of lie sope in boiling water.

4. Sort things, Make 3 piels, 1 white pile, 1 pile cullards, pile work ritches and rags.

5. Stur flower in cold water to smooth-then thin down with boiling water.

6. Rub dirty spots on board-scrub hard, then bile. Rub cullards but don't bile, just rench and starch.

7. Take white things out of kittle with broomstick handle, then rench, blew and starch.

8. Spread tee towels on grass.

9. Hang old rags on fence.

10. Pour renchwater in flower bed.

11. Scrub porch with soapy water.

12. Turn tubs upside down.

13. Go put on a clean dress, smooth hair with side combs, brew cup of tea. Set and rest and rock a spell and count your blessings.

Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

I think my grandmother could do that, but first she had to make her soap. They would have to extract their lye from ashes, if you could not buy it. Here's the instructions . . .

1 can of lye

2 qts. water, warm but not hot

5 lbs. strained grease (beef or tallow)

2 tbsp. powdered borax

2 tbsp. liquid ammonia

Dissolve the lye in the warm water; be very sure that the water is not too hot, or it will bubble up when the lye is added. Pour the grease slowly into the lye and stir slowly 10 to 15 minutes. Bring to the boiling point and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from the fire and add borax; let the mixture cool a bit, then add ammonia and stir evenly until thick as cake batter. Turn into molds or pans and finish cooling.

Sure makes you appreciate your box of Tide detergent, doesn't it!

Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

Thanks Miz D. I loved your question, and yes, our ancestors were tough folks! Gladys. Report It

Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

Thank goodness for innovation. Do you think grandma could upload mp3s to an ipod?

Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

Boy things sure have changed. I sure am glad!!!! lol

Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

not at this time in my life thats for sure.

Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

No i would not want to have to do any of these........thank god for 'mod cons'

Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

I was ecstatic when I went from my wringer washer and got my twin Maytags. No wonder women were old at 40 back then.

Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

Whew . . .

I just loaded my 'stackables',

turned a couple of knobs,

pushed few buttons,

and now I'm waiting to hear, and respond to, some buzzers!

While I relax in my rocker/recliner.

Sounds like gramma's olden days activities . . .

Upgraded to today's modern ways . . .


Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

Miz I would get mixed up before I got to step (1)

Thanks for sharing..

Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

thanks so much for sharing!!!

Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

That was terrific. I might just add to keep it downwind from the still. It could ruin a good shine.

Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

i'm plum tuckered just reading that. think i'll skip to rest and count my blessings.

Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

Do you think maybe we have the same grandmother, sounds like mine

Could you "Rench, Blew %26amp; Starch" like great grandma?

My Grandma. What a gal!

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