Sunday, November 29, 2009

Do think that this will work?

i need more info than this

Take your vitamins.

Continue to have your hair trimmed, just let your hairdresser know that you're trying to grow your hair out. Trimming it every 4-6 weeks will help keep away split ends, keeping your hair looking nice.

Don't wash your hair so often. Wash your hair every 2-4 days. Washing your hair more than that can dry it out.

Use water to help the circulation. When you're in the shower, part your hair so that theres a part in the middle of your head. Get in the shower and stand directly under the water. so the water is hitting your scalp. Doing this will increase the blood circulation in your scalp. When this happens your hair can grow.

Get active! Don't just think sitting there is going to make your hair grow. You're not Rapunzel! Turn up the music and dance! Even if you can't dance. If you don't want anyone to see you then go in your room and close and lock your door. And dance! Go outside walk your dog for 30-60 minutes if you have a dog. Get out your jump rope and start jumping. Or if you don't have a jump rope pretend you do. Theres all kinds of thing to do to get active.

Keep calm. A calm mind helps keep your body balanced and able to better make use of the nutritious food you are eating and the good sleep you are getting.

Buy a wig while you wait. Unless you don't have enough hair to pull back in a ponytail then buy a wig. Now you have that long hair you've wanted. Now you can be happy. While your having fun with your hair, your real hair will grow.

Don't tug on your hair. When combing your hair don't yank a comb through your hair. If there's a knot in your hair use your hand and gently pull the not apart.

and you can lighten your hair naturally by Cut the lemon into slices, or pour about a 1/2 cup to 1 cup of lemon juice into the cup.

Rub the lemon/lemon juice onto your hair.

If you still feel there is no effect, try rub it into your hair, so more area is covered.

Head out into the sun.

Stay in the sun for about two hours. It helps to play a game (such as a sport) or lay out to tan in this time.

Rinse out the juice, and completely follow this routine for about a week. You should notice a difference.

Or you can use Chamomile tea instead of lemon juice. Then follow the same steps as with the juice.

Do think that this will work?

don't get it either?

but maybe you looking for a good product? i like the brand ENJOY :)

Do think that this will work?

work for what?

Do think that this will work?

with a list of that many things you may end up damaging your hair!

Do think that this will work?

all those things should make your hair grow if thats your question.

Do think that this will work?

Except for the part about not washing your hair too often and combing it gently (this stops your hair from drying up/breaking), most of this stuff is old wive's tales. You can't make your hair grow faster. Plus, guess what... If you trim your hair, you may get rid of some split ends, but, of course, it makes it shorter! Hairdressers spread the "you must trim!" doctrine because it's good for business. It's actually quite unnecessary. If you want your hair to grow as fast as it can, don't cut bits of it off... Even if you leave bad split ends in your hair, their breakage won't shorten your hair nearly as much as cutting ALL of the ends off will.

Also, the only way to lighten hair with chemicals is peroxide. Lemon juice won't lighten your hair. Being in the sun for two hours will, whether or not you have lemon juice in it.

(Some of this stuff might work a little tiny bit, but the difference won't be noticeable. It's definitely not worth the effort.)

Do think that this will work?

It really depends on what you are trying to do. Are you trying to grow your hair or change its color naturally? Either way, it would be best to try one or two things at a time doing too much at once could be counter productive to what ever you are trying to do.

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