Friday, November 27, 2009

People, dreams. and cultures?

PART1: Analyzing Theme in Poetry

Directions: read each question carefully and choose the BEST answer

1)Which of the following BEST explains the meaning of "combing"?

A)women understand each other because they take care of each other's hair

B)combing hair has always eliminated tension between generations

C)through acts as simple as combing hair, women are bound to each other through time

D)hair styled and techniques have changed, but women's hair has always been important to them

2)In Alice Walker's "Women", the BEST overall descriptipn of the women would be ____.





3)When walker writes about how women les "across mined/fields/booby-trapped/ditches" she id referringto

A)world war 2 technology

B)assistance given to the military to restore order

C)the danger of pursuing education in the segregates south

D)specific terrorist tactics used by those opposed to desegregation

People, dreams. and cultures?

you need to read your homework assignment I think,

and anyway,

you have a 25% chance of being right just from guessing.


People, dreams. and cultures?

What would be great is if you can give a quick summary of the novel or story... otherwise you wont be getting answers from people who havent read it haha.

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