hey everyone....how do i take care of my hair so that is becomes more healthy? do you use shampoo and/or conditioner or 2 in 1 every day? should i blowdry? is it true that i shouldnt comb when wet? i have some strands that are curly but others that are straight = frizz. how can i reduce this?
How do i get great hair?
Try washing your hair with filtered or bottled water.
How do i get great hair?
Buy yourself a good Anti-frizz hair care line. Sally Beauty Supply has a good line called ION. I would recommend washing with a good shampoo, creme rinse three times weekly and a once a week deep conditioning.
How do i get great hair?
wash it then on the back of the shampoo bottle it says repeat DON'T repeat it smooths and conditions your hair. try it. i do it all the time my hair is still perfectly long and staright.
How do i get great hair?
use an anti frizz shampoo (the new line by sunsilk is great and you can find it everywhere now..), and once a week use a product called "3 minute emergency professional deep treatment" by the brand "Samy". It comes in a Red tube that u can find at walgreens , walmart, etc. It repairs and rehydrates your hair. Blowdrying is not good for your hair but if you decide to (i always do), use a large paddle hairbrush. Alot of product in your hair, say as to reduce frizz, leaves buildup and can dry out your hair, so try to limit your anti frizz-after blowdrying product to only one. A good choice is "Samysmooth" by samy. (its not expensive, either!) reduces frizz, adds shine, and is not messy. comes in a little pink pump bottle. Your hair sounds like mine, and after using every treatment you can imagine, this is the perfect solution ! good luck!
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