Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What the fork happened to my hair??? I'm male and lost almost all my hair?

now Im desperate and want to buy a new product called a hairmax laser comb . Am I just going to throw my money away on dreams ???

What the fork happened to my hair??? I'm male and lost almost all my hair?

Save some money big guy and learn to deal with it. There ain't nothin, nada, not a thing that will really regrow your hair or it would be all over tv, magazines, special reports, sold in every store and we would all pay thousands for it.

Unfortunately this is a genetic disorder, if you will, that is incurable, at this time. There is genetic research being conducted in hopes of one day turning of the mechanism or process that starts the ball rolling, or the hair falling out.

You can try Rogaine and Propecia but its expensive and the best you will get is fine hairs growing on the very top of the head, not at the front. And to date that is the best that is available.

You will be respected for simply cutting it short, shorter the better, and just going with the flow. You will be the butt of some jokes early on, but soon enough it will fade away. Many guys, like one of the answers, that just shave it clean. Its quite fashionable right now.

Just avoid the combover or any other means of simply trying to cover it up. You can't hide balding and the more you try to do that the more noticeable it is.

The balding gene comes from your mothers side of the family and I would guess that you will find that you look like the men in her family and there is no where to run.

Best of luck and save your money, its snake oil.

What the fork happened to my hair??? I'm male and lost almost all my hair?

I saw this "hairmax laser comb" somewhere before.. but isnt it like $500? thats way 2much.

try shaving your head? 2-5mm or even fully bald? it works great and many girls find it to be sexy.

best of luck.

What the fork happened to my hair??? I'm male and lost almost all my hair?

As soon as my receding hair line became so noticieble that I started getting comments and jokes from my more vocal friends..... I went home and trimmed it. Didn't like it so I shaved it with a razor. Been bald ever since. Chicks love it.

What the fork happened to my hair??? I'm male and lost almost all my hair?

Don't waste your money. Cut your hair really short or shave your head. A lot of women love that look, it makes men look more masculine and can be very sexy at any age. The more self assured and confident YOU look about it the sexier it will make you, honestly.

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