Thursday, June 17, 2010

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

my son came home with a louse i conditioned combed his hair and i thought they were all gone including the eggs, but this morning i found a tiny tiny louse uhhh... ive condition combed his hair again and all the other kids and me . and found nothing.

but has anyone got any potions that kill the lice if there are anymore .just in case or prevent them

p.s yes i will continue to wet comb every other day..

i bet your all itching now ha ha

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

We just had a bad experience with the head lice,one of my girls came home with I went to work right away taking care of them.I had used the Rid shampoo before with so /so results but did,nt know what else to i washed her hair in rid ,she had a bad reaction (Broke out in hives all over)and had to go to the hospital.this was WITH following the directions.I had rinsed her hair in the sink so as to not get any on her skin so it actually entered through her scalp.and she still had live lice! So i got on the computer and started searching.

the next day I took full strength Listerine,worked it into her hair and put a shower cap on her head.we waited 4 hours.when i removed the cap there were dead lice inside the cap and on top of her hair as though they had tried to escape. i rinsed her hair ,worked white vinegar into it .(this loosens the sticky stuff on the eggs.(which by the way the Listerine kills too) rinsed again and combed through with conditioner.All Gone! I'm impressed! I will never use RID again on my kids.Ill give you the link for the site i went to ,so you can check out all the different home remedies and pick out what would work best for you.

good luck %26gt;%26lt;%26gt;

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

Tea Tree

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

get tee tree shampoo

my grandchildren in fested me i have used this since

but eanwhile use a fine tooth comb every day for a fortnight

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

Try Mediker.

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

Try washing his hair with T-Tree shampoo - i use this on my daughter and fingers x no friends for a while now - I also use white vinegar and lemon juice.

scratch scratch itch itch x

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

chemists have stuff (malathian?), but frequent combing can work too - you need to do it for quite a while to get all the tiny eggs %26amp; catch all the lice before they lay more eggs

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

There not much you could do, your doing the best thing as the headlice are becoming immune to traditional nit lotions.

Someones asked this before a while ago, check it out, I think someone mentioned teatree oil of something like that.

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

the best way is to shave off his hair. he is a boy and it should not look that bad. it will grow fast. after you shaved it, apply lotion just in case...

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

The nitty gritty comb works well with conditioner..i dont use any potions or lotions as they are expensive and smell awful...tee tree oil is a good one to wash hair with...and it can be used for other things

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

my sister has had this problem alot, she now uses baby oil combed through the hair, then left on over night and combed through and washed in the morning. this works every time as it suffocates live mites and makes the eggs detach and easy to comb out. good luck.

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

I know you wouldn't want to do this to your son, but the chemicles in hair dye would kill off the lice. Especially since you leave that stuff on for 30 mins. I think something that will suffocate them will do. But if all else fails, you can shave his head. I know this is drastic, but it is a last resort. Plus he is a boy, it won't be traumatizing. And once a boy's hair begins to grow after a few weeks or so, it will be back to normal length.

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

Yes, I AM itching now, thanks a lot...LOL

I read somewhere that a drop of a certain essential oil will suffocate lice (or "leeces", for the undereducated)...but for the life of me i can not remember what one it was. I think it might have been tea tree oil, but don't quote me on it. DAMMIT, my head still itches!! LOL

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

After one of my kids brought home lice, I ordered tea tree oil shampoo from, and they only use that now.

I've heard mayonnaise on the hair works to smother them, but you'd have to leave it on for two weeks! When they are in their egg sacs, you can do whatever you want to them and they are safe. They'll eventually hatch.

Really, the only thing you can do is to keep combing through and physically remove all of them. You can try the chemical treatments, but they are scary.

Also, this is important: If you found lice in both stages -- louse and nit (egg), he has had them for awhile. This means that you need to strip sheets and wash in super super hot water and dry them for a long time in a hot dryer. You should also vacuum the places where he sits in the house (couch, carpet,blankets he uses, etc.). Lice are hardy little buggers! Be vigilant to get rid of them!

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

yes keep wet combing using conditioner I would do it every day rather than every other to get them as they hatch. There is a herbal remedy sold in most health shops it is called chinese whispers. you can also buy online at

The problem with small children at school age is they are always exposed to headlice as there are so many parents who dont do anything about it - bring back the days of the nit nurse I say.

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

alright that's really an itchy question but yes do you know about neem leaves it's spelled in hindi (indian language) as neem. make a smooth paste of neem and some coconut oil spread it on your son's head for about 2 hours, wet comb and see the results. all lice will die including the eggs.

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

the lotion called RID is about the best on the market for killing headlice. Ask the phamacist or call your pediatrican.

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

boots have a comb that zapps them its very good

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

apparently if you use lemon washing up liquid they all run to the top of the head so they are easier to see and remove. then use Avon tea tree oil shampoo and for some reason they just dont like the smell of it at all

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

SMoother his hair on conditioner everday and run a lice comb through it. ALso if you put somw tea tree oil in a spray bottle diluted with water this keeps the bugs away. There are some natural lice shampoos at the chemist to that work well too but one in particular called banlice. It is a mousse. Great stuff

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

Apparently mayonnaise for 20 minutes, then conditioner, the oily things help stop them 'breathing'. Then lightly going over with hairspray as a preventative once they're gone. (flannel over their faces!) Don't forget to quarantine the teddies and bed linen! Happy hunting!

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

tea tree shampoo works wonder i also use tea tree repellent from savers everyday on my 2 boys ive bn using it now 4 3 months + they havent had ny since i swear by it!!!!!!!

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

pure lavender oil. add 2 or 3 drops to your shampoo as your washing your hair, i usually get 2 small bottles of lavender oil and add 1 to a bottle of shampoo and 1 to a bottle of conditioner. i once got some stuff from a chinese herbal shop. it did the trick but it was expensive and you had to boil these leaves and add a small amount of alcohol to it then leave it for a while before applying to your hair and this had to be done 3 times over a week.

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

A natural remedy is...mayonnaise! I'm not kidding, it works! Get the large jar, and slather his head with mayo, working it in to the scalp. Then wrap his hair in cling film (saran wrap) and leave it for about 45 min. This smothers the lice. Wash as usual, rinsing well.

You may have to repeat this two days later, but it works and it isn't harsh.

MAKE SURE you either wash his bedding in very hot water or get rid of it!! Buy him a new pillow.

Wash any hats etc. he wears, too.

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

apparently coconut shampoo %26amp; conditioner, comb hair whilst the conditioner is still on.tesco do there own at only around 55p each.

Headlice!any natural lotions?to kill the tinytiny baby ones!?

I've never tried the t-tree stuff, but what eventually worked for us( I had reoccurring headlice for about 3 years as a child) was petroleum jelly. You layer it on thick, then wrap a plastic bag or plastic wrap tightly around the top of the head and sleep that way one night. Of course, this depends on the age of the child. It does take a while to wash out, a week or two, but it works. Contrary to belief, it isn't the amount of cleanliness in the household, they're just tenancious little buggers. If the headlice are gone, a good way to help prevent them is to use vinegar water to rinse after shampooing with regular shampoo. I believe it's about a quarter cup to a gallon of water. It's also really healthy for your hair. Since you have a son, you can cut his hair really short or even shave his head, then it will be easier to prevent reinfestation. My mom tried a lot of stuff on me, at one point she even poured gasoline on my head, which I don't recommend ever! Good luck!

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